Peoples City Mission Needs Dentists
A Message From Patrick Hupp, Clinic Manager, Peoples City Mission

Peoples City Mission Clinic is looking for dentists or oral surgeons who would be willing to volunteer to provide extraction and/or restoration services for our patients. We provide an average of 2,000 free dental visits per year --- approximately 1,200 of our patient visits are for extractions and the rest consist of restoration and hygiene visits. We average at least 100 extraction patients per month. All of our extractions are done by UNMC dental students and local dentists who volunteer their time to assist patients who have no insurance and cannot afford to pay for dental work. We are basically the option of last resort for our patients who in most cases, are desperately in need of emergency extractions.
Our patients are generally very pleasant to work with because they are receiving dental care that’s basically not available to them anywhere else. A small percentage of our patients come from the Peoples City Mission – the majority of our patients consist of the working poor of the community. We also strive to give priority to patients who are in drug and alcohol treatment because they don’t generally notice tooth pain until they discontinue drug use and they tend to leave treatment if they’re unable to calm down the pain. Most of our dental assistants are highly motivated pre-dent college students who are enjoyable to work with.
We are looking for volunteer dentists/oral surgeons who are willing to donate 4 hours of service (in our clinic or in their own clinics) once a month, once a quarter or randomly, based on their schedules. Any day of the week, morning or afternoon, from Monday through Saturday would work for us.
If you’re interested, contact Patrick Hupp at 402-817-0980 or We would really appreciate to hear from you!